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Judges Bay wastewater repair

We're designing a permanent solution to fix the break in the wastewater transmission sewer line


August 2024 onwards


Judges Bay



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The unprecedented weather events of early 2023 caused an underground collapse under the Parnell Rose Gardens which in turn broke a wastewater transmission sewer line approximately 25 metres below the ground.

Since this event occurred, we have had a temporary bypass in place. Over the past months we have installed a mains power supply to the bypass site to reduce the need for generators and have more recently installed temporary holding tanks and site fencing to further reduce risks at this location while we work on a design for a permanent solution.

  • The tanks are set up to provide additional wastewater storage capacity and keep the network operational, will be helpful in reducing wet weather overflows.
  • The tanks have the ability to control odour discharge by having a filter on the fittings which we can regularly switch out.
  • The fencing was installed for the protection of this updated temporary set up and to further dampen noise.
  • A benefit of this temporary septic tank set up is that we can fit an electrical submersible pump so we do not need to rely on the diesel equipment which has previously contributed to noise at the site.

Our contractors will continue to tidy the site and backfill the area, along with regular inspections of the manhole and temporary set up.

Permanent repair

We have completed preliminary design of a permanent solution. As the break has occurred deep underground, we are unable to replace like for like without substantial disruption to the Rose Gardens. We are designing a solution which will install a small pre-packaged submersible wastewater pump station, rising main along Judges Bay Road, and gravity sewer along Cleveland Road.

It is anticipated that a combination of drilling and trenching will be required to complete the works. Impacts will be localised, with traffic management in place to reduce traffic to one lane in places, and temporary removal of some public car parks on Judges Bay Road.

Construction of the permanent solution is estimated commence from August 2024 as we complete the current design phase. In the interim, geotechnical investigations will be undertaken to inform the final design.

When further information becomes available, we will provide regular updates to the community via email and Facebook.

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