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Kahika wastewater upgrade

Upgrading the wastewater network to reduce overflows in Bayview and Beach Haven.


Early 2023 – mid 2024


Kaipatiki Road, Easton Park Parade and Kahika Point Reserve



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Project overview

The Kahika branch sewer rising main has been in service for more than 50 years. Since 2017, four significant failures of the existing branch sewer rising main have occurred and as a result it has been identified as a high priority for replacement as part of our asset renewal programme.

The Kahika wastewater upgrade project includes the following works:

  • Constructing a new two-kilometre-long wastewater pipe. It will be installed from the pump station in Kahika Point Reserve along Kaipatiki Road and up Easton Park Parade connecting to the existing Kahika branch wastewater line.
  • Diversion of four small local network catchments away from the existing Kahika branch wastewater pipe.
  • Decommissioning sections of the existing Kahika branch wastewater line.

Once complete, this project will contribute towards reducing wastewater overflows and discharges into the Kaipatiki Creek. It will also improve access to the rising main to support ongoing maintenance in the unlikely event of any future network failures.

Map showing traffic management for the Kahika wastewater upgrade.


Press play on the video to find out about the work involved to upgrade the wastewater network and how pipe pull trenchless technology is helping us keep community disruption to a minimum. Our team carried out a pipe pull from the Kahika wastewater pump station to Francis Kendall Reserve - that's 380 metres of pipe - and there was no need for extensive excavation.

Project timeline

Diagram showing the Kahika wastewater upgrade project timeline.

How will this project affect you?

  • Work hours are typically from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday
  • While the work may generate some noise, please be assured that it will be kept to a minimum and within the allowable consented levels.
  • We may need to prune and/or remove trees and other vegetation along the proposed pipeline route. Please note: replacement planting will be undertaken following the completion of the project.

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