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South Auckland wastewater servicing

To increase the capacity of our network carrying wastewater from Hingaia to Weymouth.


Dependent on growth in the catchments


South Auckland




This project caters for growth in Hingaia Peninsula, Drury and Ōpaheke. It also has a focus of reducing wastewater overflows to the Pahurehure Inlet and the Manukau Harbour by diverting flows from the Southern Interceptor to the Southwestern Interceptor. The project is divided into three packages:

Package 1: Completed

Installation of two additional emergency storage tanks at the existing Hingaia wastewater pump station with a total volume of 450 m3.

Package 2: Design phase

Upgrade the pumping capacity of pump station 63 from 100 L/s to 270 L/s and install a rising main approximately 10.3 km in length from the pump station to the Southwestern Interceptor in Mahia Road.

Package 3: We’re looking into the feasibility of this part of the project

We are investigating the design and consenting of an ultimate pump station with a capacity of 1230 L/s along with a second rising main.

Why is the project needed?

As Auckland grows, we are investing in infrastructure to support new homes and increase the capacity of our wastewater network. One of these projects is the Hingaia Rising Main, which will carry wastewater from Hingaia to Weymouth.

The project will divert wastewater from the Southern Interceptor to the Southwestern interceptor, freeing up capacity constraints in the Southern Interceptor as well as creating new capacity. Our geotechnical investigations have been finalised for this project. These will help us assess the suitability of the route and plan our construction methodology for the pipeline. We are also in discussions with landowners to help determine details regarding the route alignment.

Project area

Map showing the route of the proposed wastewater pipeline.

Once complete, the rising main will be an essential part of our transmission network as it will allow the bulk transfer of wastewater to Māngere for treatment.

Note: We do not allow connections to transmission assets.

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