I'm a Landlord or property manager

Ā mātou utu

Our charges

Understand how we charge for water and wastewater services.

Our charges are updated annually on 1 July

Your monthly charges

You will receive monthly bills for water and wastewater services.

Your property’s water use is recorded by a water meter. If your meter is mechanical, it is read every second month. In between, we estimate your property’s water use based on your previous consumption. If we over or under estimate your property’s water use one month, your next bill – based on an actual meter reading – will correct this.

If your property has a smart meter, it will send data to our secure database daily. You will receive bills based on the property’s actual water use every month.

  • Water: We apply a volumetric charge per kilolitre (1,000 litres) of water used. The rate is the same for residential and business customers.
  • Wastewater: We apply fixed and volumetric charges. The rates are different for residential and business customers.
  • Trade waste: Trade waste is charged as wastewater under the business wastewater tariff.